29 Jan

One of my mentors likes sharing his story about how badly he wanted an airplane. His only problem was the means to finance his airplane. Once he set on the journey to find the means, he encountered more problems. He joined an organisation were was required to recruit new members to the organisation. He experienced rejection, he tried to invite people to his meetings but most of his meetings ended up being labelled "no show" because people did not show up. Although he had a university degree he could not keep a job and when people asked him why he cannot keep a job he replied jokingly saying "jobs cannot keep me". Because he wanted the airplane so much he made a runway on his farm and he even bought an oil tank and he filled with airplane fuel. Everyday he sits on on the runway, his butt on the ground but in his mind he is flying his airplane. Sometimes he pretends taking off with his airplane when driving his tractor. It was crazy for him. He even subscribed to different aviation magazines that kept coming in every month. Sometimes he would drive to a near airfield to look at airplanes taking off and landing.

One night when he drove from a no show. He went to his runway. Sat in the middle of the field. Closed his eyes. Pretended as if he is in a plane taking off. And right there. Right that moment. He showed mentally himself the plan to succeed as a member of the organisation.

Because he was so determined, his problems of having no means forced him to approach different people that he thought could understand the concept of the organisation, he met people that he does not wanna meet anymore. The problem led him to show himself the PLAN to come up with the best solution that will enable him to convince people join the organisation.

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