06 Mar

The better side of the coin

I remember one of my supervisors telling us that he practices "an open door policy", when I dig deeper into this phrase I realized that it sounds so good to be true. Literally he meant that he can listen to you when you approach him about an issue but it does not mean that he will take your word for advice or for implementation. It simply means he is willing to listen to you but what he does with your information remains his decision. That is why "an open door policy" to me is more or less like the "keeping your mind open" because you will be flooded with ideas, suggestions, complains, compliments even requests but choosing what to do with all that is your decision to make. As for me, KEEPING AN OPEN MIND is a technique I use to source for my problem solving skills, I use it to understand people, situations and even places around me. It helps me to look at things and people from different angles and make a sensible decision and an appropriate action thereafter. Remember that, when you know better you are in a good position to make an appropriate choice/decision and one of the ways to know better is when you KEEP AN OPEN MIND.

The other side of the coin

However, you might be overwhelmed by the information that you will get and the process of decision-making will be not an easy thing. For some people, the more they know the easier they get confused because they cannot decide what to believe, what to drop, which part to keep, it becomes a little bit messier for them.

For most people the benefits of KEEPING AN OPEN MIND outweigh the other side of the coin because they believe that WHEN YOU KNOW BETTER YOU CAN LIVE BETTER.

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