20 Jul

According to Myrko Thum (https://www.myrkothum.com/mindset/) the mindset is  is the sum of your knowledge, including beliefs and thoughts about the world and yourself in it. It is your filter for information you get in and put out. So it determines how you receive and react information. 

On his site, Myrko listed six ways that one can use to change, alter and even strengthen their mindset.

1. Get the Best Information Only

The world is flooded with information daily, social media changes the lives of many people around the world in a good or bad way. Your duty is to sieve the information you get on social media, take the best information and put it to good use. 

2. Role Model the Best People

Myrko listed Stephen Covey, Steve Jobs, Anthony Robbins and  Michael Jordan as his role models. I personally  learn from the lives of Ray Keller, Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela, Sam Nuuyoma, Abraham Lincoln, Mother  Theresa, RD Saunders, Barack Obama, just to mention a few. These people  may have come different social, cultural and economic backgrounds, some  even lived almost 150 years ago but they all have one thing in common "TRY YOUR BEST TO LIVE ABOVE THE LINE" plus they are all dreamers. Get yourself a mentor or even mentors (https://eugenefirst.site123.me/daily-motivations/learn-from-your-mentor ).

3. Examine Your Current Beliefs

The first person that tells you that you can't is you because of this and that. You can actually tell yourself that: YES YOU CAN because limits only exist in your mind.

4. Shape Your Mindset with Vision and Goals

Create a vision board, look at it twice a week or even every day. In your mind set up a vision, see yourself in a specified time, at the same time launch a mission to take you to your vision. GOALS. GOALS. GOALS. It is not gonna be an easy journey but it will be worth your energy.

5. Find Your Voice

If you are good at history, get yourself a job that will utilize your history skills to the fullest because that history is your strongest suit. Whatever your voice is put in more effort to get the best out of your voice.

6. Protect Your Mindset

One thing you have to do is to protect your mindset against the naysayers and people who want to drag you down. During his campaign to the White House in 2004,  Barack Obama said something that made me protect my mindset, he said "YET EVEN AS WE SPEAK, THERE ARE THOSE WHO ARE PREPARING TO DIVIDE US, THE SPIN MASTERS AND NEGATIVE AD PEDDLERS WHO EMBRACE THE POLITICS OF ANYTHING GOES". Avoid to becoming cynical, fearful and doubtful. Guard your mind 24/7. 

Source: https://www.myrkothum.com/mindset/

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