18 Feb

Today we shall take our first step together in the right direction. As we do so, we set off in motion a good process that will yield  fantastic results in the future. Remember when we established our slogan of moving forward: STEP BY STEP, BRICK BY BRICK, CALLOUSED HANDS BY CALLOUSED HANDS. This slogan is the best definition of the process that we just started, remember that the ultimate goal for our process is getting good results, to do so we need establish/create significant parts of the process. Each part equally significant and important, each integral part will propel us to the next step, each part helping us to cover ground with ease. In most of our talks, we kept repeating words like CREATE, DESIGN, MAKE, PRODUCE, this is so because as part of the process we need produce a significant outcome. So we needed those talks so that we cement these words in our minds, to become part of how and what we think. Now that our mind is set, ready for the process we can take off, let us take that step, LET US BEGIN A GOOD PROCESS.

There is a famous quote that goes like: A JOURNEY OF THOUSAND MILES BEGINS WITH A SINGLE STEP. And that is exactly what we did today, you cannot achieve anything if you do not start the process, the journey is the PROCESS.

If you feel like the process is getting you nowhere, always remember these beautiful words from the song CAMOUFLAGE by Brandy Norwood;

I'm a work in progress
I'm a seed growing into a flower
I'm a storm that's rising
And getting stronger with every hour 

I need a lot of improvement
Not even half way to destiny
But I'm a train that's moving
And everyday I'm picking up speed

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