10 May

My mentor likes using Physics to demonstrate the potential in humans. He likes using the diagram below together with the basic laws of Physics.

As the trolley approaches the hill from left, it has plenty of kinetic (movement) energy but very little potential (stored) energy. This is also true for human beings, as one approach a task they take it on with maximum effort. But once the trolley reaches the  top of the hill most of the kinetic energy is converted to POTENTIAL energy, in Physics language potential energy is also known as stored energy. Going back to human beings, once some people reach the top or complete a task they become reluctant to PRESS ON again because most people think once you reach the top or you accomplish the task you need to rest or completely stop. This is good for people with small or unimportant dreams. Dreams that do not include others, dreams that do not aim at helping every team member to achieve more. However, if you determined and you want to achieve more, you need to unleash and unshackle the stored potential energy just like the trolley sliding down on the right side of  the hill. Being successful at your first task does not guarantee future success if you are not willing carry on with the same or even better momentum. 

The bottom line here is: We should not sit with our unlimited and unexplored potential,  we should slide down the hill because it is the only we will start seeing great changes in your life. Convert your POTENTIAL ENERGY into PRODUCTIVE and USEFUL ENERGY.

Below is another Physics law that can help us tap into our LIMITLESS  POTENTIAL.

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