31 May

Here is another story that I will cherish forever

In the previous talk I told you a story how I have spent 7 years of my late teenage years herding. That was done between January and July of each year. After August we harvest and later allow the goats and cattle to feed on the stalks in cultivated fields, as illustrated by the picture below.

From August to December was another time worth noting because renovations should now commence. Before we release the live stocks to feed on the leftovers we need to select the most straight and strong stalks because we need them to repairs the walls in our homes and sometimes we use the stalks as the roofing materials. After the renovations the inside walls would look new and neat again before another new rain season. This was something that I did for almost ten years, every year around August and September our home would look new again. I became good at this renovating skills to an extended that when people visited our home they do not believe that it is me that did the renovations. It was tedious work because you need clean up both yourself and  the house because the dried mahangu stalks shed easily the dried leaves. Because I did this job for almost ten years, I started it when I was barely 13-14 years, I became very skillful at it and every time I do it I always give it 100% sometimes more. Also because of the compliments that I get from my parents and visitors I was motivated to do my best every year. I truly believe that these priceless farm chores like herding, cultivating and renovating instilled  the elements of hard work, creativity, discipline, commitment and  GIVE IT YOUR VERY BEST in me. To be honest, I liked the renovations more than any other farm chores there was not because it only took a week to complete because it also made me think creatively every year. I needed to be creative each time I renovate those walls. 

The bottom line is, whatever good deed you or about to do, give it your very best because you will receive the best...

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