26 Feb

If we decide not to try, these two things will always be true about us; 

1. It is either we are not purposeful driven  or

2. We will always lack the experience, we will never know how it means to try especially when there is no hope.

Remember when we talked about the process, it is not a once off activity, at times it will be tedious work, at times there will be  no light at the end of the tunnel. Should we decide to give up, we will be taken back to the drawing board and ask ourselves: what was the reason that you started this journey? what was the purpose?

Nothing will happen if we sit back and do nothing. Albert Einstein once said "nothing happens until something moves". In other words if we decide to do nothing, we will grow old in one stage of our lives, we will be in gear one while the rest of the world is busy exploring and creating new gears. We shall be at the receiving end for a very long time if we decide to sit back and do absolutely nothing.

Are we scared?

Fear will rob us all the possibilities and opportunities right under our noses...

We need to overcome the fear of unknown, the very same fear that Neil Armstrong had to face when he took the famous steps on the moon, the same fear that our forefathers took when they left central Africa to come where we are now. The good thing about history is that if something has been done before and it worked surely we can follow in our predecessors footsteps and get our part done. Just that this time we will do it with a little bit of flair, one step at a time, brick by brick and calloused hands by calloused hands.

It is time to find out what will happen even if  we make that little change, it is time to claim the experience that we rightfully deserve. LET US TAKE THE STEP TOGETHER.

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