25 Mar

Do you remember when we talked about the handicapped man? The man that declared: I look at myself as handicappABLE person instead of being handicapped.

Today let us declare to ourselves our skills and abilities because this combination will not only take us far but this is how the world will always remember us: the skills we posses and the abilities to use our skills. Let us harness our skills wholeheartedly, let us turn our skills into products and ideas. Remember when we had a talk that says: WE ARE BLESSED BEYOND MEASURES. Back then when I wrote this talk I was referring to the ideas our minds can produce if we think right. Now that we have mastered the thinking part, the thinking became a SKILL. Now thinking has given us two extraordinary qualities: WE ARE SKILLED AND WE ARE ABLE. Thinking is a special skill that we need keep honing and nurturing because everything else that we do and undertake depends on how well we think.

So, today let us take some time off to appreciate our skills and abilities even if it means to write them down so we can really assure ourselves that YES I CAN and I am capable of doing these things. Let us keep learning because by doing so we are updating our skills and abilities. Also, we should apply the knowledge we have picked up from the learning process.

Believe that your skills and abilities can transform you into a very useful human being.

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