10 May


1. Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

Here, you have to work on building a positive self-concept, or the knowledge of who you are. Work on your attitude. You may not know it, but you may be letting opportunities slip past you because you have adopted a pessimistic outlook, or your attitude is that of a loser, or one who refuses to even try unless it’s a sure thing.

2. Accept Responsibility and Take Charge

Be mature and take responsibility. Do not just put on a show of maturity; be mature in making choices and decisions, and subsequently implementing them. Do not make a habit of pinning the blame on others just to absolve yourself of any accountability. It’s your life, your actions, and your decisions, so learn to take responsibility. Humans tend to find or make excuses for even the tiniest things, and that is a sure sign of their refusal to accept responsibility.

3. Improve your Self-Esteem

If you are gearing up for success, then you must learn to value yourself. Believe that you can accomplish something, and that you can do it very well. When you feel good about yourself, this will give you more confidence on your road towards achieving what you desire.

4. Maintain Excellent Human Relations

Relationships are important elements of success. The most successful achievers reached the pinnacle of success because other people, in one way or another, helped them to get there. Developing and maintaining winning interpersonal relationships are also very important if you want to get ahead.

5. Eliminate Stress

Stress can be a good thing: it drives one to strive harder and perform better. But there is the other type of stress – the “bad” stress – that we are most familiar with. It’s the type of stress that could lead to reduced productivity, fatigue and overworking, and the breakdown of relationships. Clearly, stress can be a major hindrance towards your path to achieving what you desire.

6. Program your Mind for Success

Believe that you can do it, and you will be able to. Our thoughts and our perception of our selves will figure greatly in what and who we actually are or will become. You are who you are today because of what you thought of yourself. You have to program your beliefs and expectations, and choose who or what we attract into our lives.

7. Adopt a Willingness to Risk Failure

Fear of failure, for many, becomes too much that it paralyzes them, until they refuse to act or do anything. If they do not try, they will not fail. However, if they do not try, then they cannot achieve what they want. They will not succeed.

If you want to unlock your potential, you have to be willing to take risks, and one of them is the risk that you might fail. In fact, psychologists think failure is an excellent teacher, because it teaches lessons that you can apply in later attempts or endeavors.

Source: https://www.cleverism.com/psychology-of-achievement-unlock-potential/ 

The potential of an average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a whole continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good. 

- Brian Tracy

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. 


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