22 Apr

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” Napoleon Hill once said.

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become,” Buddha taught.

It is our own thoughts that hold the key to miraculous transformation. -Marianne Williamson

Or we can wait for transformation to come, we can wait all our lives but I only when we ACT that is when we transform, grow, learn, become better, evolve and become the best we can be. Our thoughts if tamed the right way, if channeled in the right direction transforming can be a casual thing, becoming, forming into our new selves. Let us go beyond our current form and become the best we can be. We have been ordinary for too long, it is about time we become extraordinary, the time is now.

Remember when talked about the PROCESS to prosperity, it begins with a thought. Let us look at it again.

This is the process.

Think. Believe. Plan. Create. Design. Become. Do it again.

Think positively.

Believe you can achieve what your mind thinks.

Work out the PLAN how you will achieve your goals.

Design and create the system that you will use to keep your plans on track.

In case you have another thought, JUST REPEAT THE PROCESS.

It is very important to stay motivated, especially if you want to win. Motivation is key element in winning, you need to design a system that will keep you motivated through the darkest hours. Different people have ways to motivate themselves that is why you need to design or identify what will motivate you during your journey. 

According to Forbes Magazines there are:

17 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Do Great Things

1. Necessity:  'A man’s got to do what a man’s got to do.’  And that applies to women, too.” 

2. Quotes: Inspirational quotes were cited by many, but how they used them were as unique as they are. 

3. Employees/People/Siblings/Family are relying on you: An extremely high number of entrepreneurs I talked to mentioned all the people who could be potentially out of work, if the entrepreneur did less than their absolute best.

4. Personal pride:   Many people are extremely proud of what they had accomplished and take (usually quiet) satisfaction in keep the enterprise going no matter what problems arise.

5. A mission to change the world: Not everyone was evocative as Steve Jobs (who used to tell Apple employees "we are going to make insanely great products") but a significant number of the entrepreneurs and business people I talked to truly believe their offerings will make the world a better place.  It is the deeply help belief in that mission that keeps them going. 

6. Visualization: Stay focused on what success will ultimately look like keeps them going. 

7. Learn from your mistakes: Learn from what went wrong. That way you will be turning the rejection into something you can benefit from going forward. 

Get more of these from this link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/actiontrumpseverything/2014/03/01/17-ways-to-motivate-yourself-to-do-great-things/#107762a35a6e 

REMEMBER THE PROCESS:  Think. Act. Motivate yourself. Do it again. And again.

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