31 May

I truly believe that one can improve their life regardless of the situation they find themselves in, one just need to ask the right questions, create the conducive environment(s) and have the correct attitude. 

Here is my story

I have spent about 7 years herding goats and cattle. One day a question triggered my mind , these animals are grazing and DO I NEED TO WATCH THEM GRAZE? (it was not boring at first but as time goes it became very boring). CAN'T I DO SOMETHING ELSE WHILE THEY GRAZE. I needed to answer these two questions. Thus I decided to carry my schoolbooks every time I go out to herd. The first week was not easy to adapt to my new arrangement but I was motivated to continue because my school marks started to improve and I am always in a better position the next day in class. My homeworks are always completed plus I always get a chance to read ahead before the next lesson. What was turning into a boring chore became my favorite chore to do. If my parents asked me to stay home instead and ask my brothers to herd instead my answers were always a quick NO! because staying home will tempt me to do other things and neglect my school work. I still cherish the times I had herding because it was during those times I created and nurtured a culture of going an extra mile and doing my very best although I had to keep one eye on the herd while one eye was reading through my notes or doing my homework. I managed to pass matric under such conditions because instead of complaining I made a plan to improve my marks. Because I did my very best to take the herd to greener pastures in return I was rewarded with enough time to go through my books. 

Ten ways to improve your quality of life

Here are some ways that you can employ to steer your life to success.

1. Think daily, meditate. Ask yourself philosophical questions, surely you will come up sounds solutions.

2. Get in the zone, if being happy/early/neat makes you productive why not create more of these moments?

3. Make it a point to do something bold everyday, call/text a friend/an acquaintance that you haven't get in touch in a while. Compliment your workmate for a job well done.

4. Learn something new/get to know about something: whether it is a new skill or just reading a bout a tiny island country in the Atlantic ocean.

5. Debate something, be open to discussion. Just the other day when my colleague and I were discussing the benefits and setbacks of working in a public institution versus a private institution. You do not have to win the debate but rather show that you can keep a convo going.

6. Spend a some time with a child. Enjoy simple things again/experience the carefree moments.

7.  Go outside, if you are an indoor flower, get some sunshine. I am one of those people that can get drunk by too much sunlight and I like it because I like the feeling I get from sunshine (lol). The sunshine might bring the best out of you, new thoughts because of the new richer experience.

8. Recognize what makes you happy. Some people can be happy if they listen to their favorite song or read they favorite verse in the morning. Everyone has what brings the best out of them.

9. Stop broken thoughts. I do not like "I will do it later", I think I got this trait from my father because he never liked to do things half-way. His argument was: DO IT NOW WHILE YOU HAVE TIME BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING.

10. Do not stress about it. If you cannot get it right maybe because you need a new approach, new idea, new input. Do not continue if you are stressed because decisions made under the influence of anger can backfire. This point should not be confused with point 9 because  in point 9 you do not want to continue because of laziness but point 10 advocates for to stop and continue later because you need a fresh mind.

(SOURCE:https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/ten-ways-to-improve-your-quality-of-life.html )

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