12 Feb

"Wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal" -Tupac Shakur

Well this is just the beginning, we will fight most difficult battles, we need to keep going forward regardless of the fact that we face wars within and without. We need to build endurance, it must be part of us, endurance should be part of our lives, the way we think, the way we live, we should endure at all times. On this journey as soldiers of life, soldiers of the the future we should learn how to stay eternal, stay alert, stay above our game, stay on top of the war within and the war without and we can only do all these when we endure the journey, when we endure the hardships we go through because wars will keep coming and keep going.

No one can stop the wars as they come and go, but because we know how to endure, the wars will not really make us weak but rather give us character the wars will teach us how to survive, the wars will make us bulletproof because ENDURANCE is our bulletproof vest.

Live Soldier. March Soldier. Learn Soldier. Teach Soldier. Build Soldier. And most important, ENDURE SOLDIER.

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