03 Jun

Prepare fully so you have nothing to worry out when the time comes.

A story I learned at Sunday School

I remember the story of 12 girls that were waiting for the groom to arrive. Six of the girls did not prepare extra oil for their lanterns while the other six prepare extra oil for the lanterns. The groom took long to come and the lanterns of the first six girls ran out of oil. They asked the other six girls who were prepare but the prepared girls replied: we only have spare oil enough for our lanterns. So the first six girls took off to look for oil and when they returned the groom passed already and he took the girls who were prepared and had spare oil for the lanterns. The first  six girls missed the opportunity to dine with the groom.

Do not miss an opportunity because you failed to prepare.

If there are no opportunities, create your own


If there is no opportunity, that is a problem, creativity is problem solver, innovation is the greatest problem solver as well. When there is a problem, we should not curl and shy away from the problem, instead let us source for ideas, let us assemble the best teams to create our own opportunities...YES WE CAN. If there are no lemons, we do not go around asking for lemon juice, we set off to plant lemon trees....Let us learn how to create lasting solutions, let us learn how to turn problems into business opportunities and also into wealth creations. Instead of going around looking for work or promotions, create your own work and eventually you will promote yourself one day...IF OPPORTUNITY DOES NOT KNOCK, BUILD A DOOR.

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