06 Mar

Imagine skydiving and your parachute fails to open the results will be catastrophic, right? The results will be uncomprehending, you do not want to think about it in the first place. Exactly this is the same thing that happens when we go through life without an open mind. Apart from missing out on opportunities, we also miss out on understanding the people, the circumstances and the places around us. Heck! we also miss out on the  most beautiful view as well.

Once you are airborne from the aircraft you will skydive so fast but the moment you open your parachute, you go at a steady speed enough to allow you see the what is below you and also to allow you land safely. The very same benefits you are likely to experience when you go through life with an open mind. The open mind  will make you travel through life at a steady and controllable speed because you do not want to miss any single part of the journey, not so slow and not so fast (lukewarm speed, lol). Going through life with an open mind gives you leverage because you know so much, you will see  much and in the process you will end up knowing what is best for you and what is bad for you. Actually basically, you choose where to land (stay) and how to live your life because going through life with AN OPEN MIND gives you so many AWESOME options to choose from.

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