30 Aug

One of our favorite quotes teaches us that "IF THE OPPORTUNITY DOES NOT KNOCK, BUILD A DOOR", in other words, if there are no opportunities, we use what we have to create our own opportunities. We should remember that we are blessed beyond measures, we have the knowledge that can transform this world to make it a better place. We can source ideas and plans from others that will enable us to create a better tomorrow. Let us live above the line, take full RESPONSIBILITY & OWNERSHIP of our well being and this shall start by seizing today to make it an EXTRAORDINARY DAY. 

Today we shall take ordinary ideas and turn them into MARVELOUS products, we shall do this by doing extra, by going an extra mile. In fact, let us be the little "EXTRA" in EXTRAORDINARY. Because it is the little "EXTRA" that will bring the difference. 

Be extra EFFICIENT, PRODUCTIVE, RESPONSIBLE, ACCOUNTABLE. Let us take advantage of our skills, talents and abilities to create EXTRAORDINARY products from common ideas.

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