18 Jan

We make history on our own terms, in our own words and we season it with a little bit of flair. 

One of my favorite authors once said "live your life well because you do not know who you are inspiring". So, every step you take, every act you do inspires someone to do better or to live a purposeful life. As we live our lives we are constantly writing our history, making each of us unique because every person lives on their own terms and do things differently from the next person but our ultimate common goal is to make an awesome history that will inspire the future.

Another favorite author of mine once wrote "whatever you are, please be a good one". Equally, whatever you do, it has to be meaningful because you do not know who looks up to you for motivations. Nelson Mandela used to talk boldly about the Ubuntu philosophy: I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE & YOU ARE BECAUSE I AM. This is true because we do not live in a vacuum we need each to live, that's why everything we do has to be meaningful and purpose driven, because our acts do not only get us what we want/need  but they will be with us forever and others are looking upon us to better their lives or to motivate themselves. Most people will remember us by looking back at what we did and why we did it. So the history we make today should be MEANINGFUL & PURPOSE DRIVE and just add a little bit of FLAIR. Lol.

Let us make our history worth revisiting. DO NOT FORGET: a bit of flair.

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