14 Jul

In our previous reflection talk we discovered that A REFLECTIVE PERSON IS AN EFFECTIVE PERSON. Today we shall learn from the TEACHING profession that is as old as humanity how to do self-reflection.

With a profession as challenging as teaching, self-reflection offers teachers an opportunity to think about what works and what doesn’t in their classroom. Teachers can use reflective teaching as a way to analyze and evaluate their  practices so they can focus on what works. Everyone from other walks of live can also take a moment once a week just to think about what went right and what went off script. The main aim of reflection is not to throw away what does not work and only keep what works, but also to improve on what went wrong. One of my mentors likes saying that the problem with people who keep on failing is that they throw everything away, even dreaming again. According to my mentor, when some people fail to reach their target or achieve their dreams they give up everything, they do not want to try again. Well, when you reflect on what happen, could be what happened daily or weekly, you get a chance to evaluate yourself, you get a chance to see your successes or mistakes from a different angle: do not throw away or ignore the acts/techniques that did not work for you, rather find a way to improve them. 

According to Janelle Cox self-reflection is important because it’s a process that makes you collect, record, and analyze everything that happened in the lesson so you can make improvements in your teaching strategies where necessary. You too can do the same, study your plan of action, find a way to improve the way you carry out your tasks.

Please visit https://www.teachhub.com/teaching-strategies-value-self-reflection to find out how you can start The Process of Reflection and perhaps get a chance to learn how to apply self-reflection in your life, job, study or even hobby. 

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