19 Nov

Whether you crawl, walk, run or fly one day you will be grateful that you kept moving. Last time we decided that we will build the future step by step, brick by brick, block by block and calloused hands by calloused hands. The only way to build the future is when we stop at nothing to move forward. Even during the darkest hours we will find ways to overcome every stumbling block.

One of mentors like saying that "when there is a stumbling block in our way" we will turn stumbling block into a gold mine. We will turn the bad into the good and we will take advantage of the good to create even more.

Remember: whatever you are doing, make sure you cover new ground everyday. Keep going because one day you will be grateful for not giving up or for not stopping.

Today's quote came from the man that reached the mountain top, the man that gave hope to people like Barack Obama to stand up and to fight for his country. 

The man that kept going when there seemed to be no light. The man that used light to defeat the dark. 

The preacher from Atlanta that once said "Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope".

He told people that "We Shall Overcome." 

 The man that had a beautiful dream and because of that dream he KEPT MOVING FORWARD. 

The man is Martin Luther King Junior.

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

Walt Disney

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