16 Jun

Last week we made each day count. The week before we created plenty of opportunities. This week we shall keep the momentum going because giving up should not be an option. We have come so far just to give up everything we have achieved so far.

These pointers can help you KEEP GOING.

1. Do not give up.

2. Stay positive (surround yourself with doers, motivated and people with positive vibes).

3. Go at your own pace, but do not stop moving FORWARD.

4. Remember it is not a race, it is a LIFELONG LEARNING PROCESS.

5. Take one day at a time: brick by brick, block by block and calloused hands by calloused hands.

6. Remember that what you are going through is not permanent, it is very temporary so THE BEST IS YET TO COME. You are just going through a phase.

7. Stay hopeful, hope for the best and prepare for the worst: You really do never know what tomorrow will hold. I have seen things change drastically, and for the better, overnight. 

8. Learn to deal with disappointment. The trick is to not let disappointments stop you. Ever. Do not allow disappointment to get the worst from you. Keep your head up no matter the situation. 

9. By any means necessary try to keep the negative thoughts at bay. I for instance if struck by negative thoughts I call my best friend or I go for a walk or just listen to my favorite song/CD.

Always remember this English Proverb: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Be tough and get going. 

Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotional-fitness/201608/10-reasons-keep-moving-forward 

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