06 Nov

When it comes to yourself, especially your skills, talents and abilities, you need to put them top of the list because you are who you are thanks to your skills, talents and abilities. Should you want to invest, whether it is time or money your skills, talents and abilities should get 50% percent or more of the investment. But why???

Here is  WHY you should consider investing in yourself:

1. It helps you.

Investments come in the form of both time and money. You can invest in your mind by going to the library and getting a book to read to educate yourself in any area of improvement. This costs time, not money. You can attend training events that require an investment of time and money. You can invest in your health by investing 30 minutes a day to go for a walk. You can invest by hiring a personal trainer or joining a gym.

When you enrich yourself, you can feel yourself grow and will feel better about yourself. It contributes to your happiness. You empower yourself and this is true leadership, you lead yourself before you can lead others, you are simply the best change you wish to see in the world.

2. It helps those you touch.

When you enrich yourself through your investments of time and money, you improve your relationships with others. Taking time to help others is not only an opportunity to be generous and giving with your time, it is almost always an opportunity to learn and grow. You may learn new information, gain new insights into how people behave or develop new relationships. If I help you solve a problem with a spreadsheet at work, I will usually learn something as we figure it out. Instead of “I have to help you out,” view it as “I get to help you out and learn.” Our relationship improves, as does my knowledge base.

Your investing helps your ability to teach others. You can share what you learn and bring value to others. You become an expert in your tribe. When you are empowered by yourself you will be in a better position to help others. 

3. It helps your career.

When you invest in yourself it helps your career in two significant ways. It increases your value to your employer because your skill set grows. Maybe more importantly, it increases your earning potential over your peers, who only receive the company-funded training. This translates into you becoming a more valuable asset and deserving of increased responsibility, resulting in increases in job titles and compensation.

Your are likely to get a promotion and if you are running your own business you are likely to improve your profits margins as well as designed and create new products and services. You simply become more creative and productive.

4. It helps your business.

Should you choose, or be forced, to become an entrepreneur, the asset that is your talent is transferable. When you invest in yourself, your understanding of your corporate business environment improves. You are better positioned to run your own business. You not only know what you know, but more important, you know more of what you don’t know and will have the mind-set to hire people to help you, rather than try to carry the entire load yourself. You will see hiring help as an investment, not an expense. Your breadth of knowledge will help you develop new ideas for your business and will increase your chances of financial success.

Source: https://www.quirks.com/articles/the-four-benefits-of-investing-in-yourself 

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