22 Jan

Do you remember when we talked about the handicapped man?

Let me remind you again.

When Mr Pfeiffer applied to GATE CORPORATION (Greatest Achieve Through Excellence) to work as a salesman he forgot to mention in his application that his arm was amputated. On his first day the HR manager showed him around and also took Mr Pfeiffer to his corner office as he requested. The HR manager looked at Mr Pfeiffer handicapped arm and said "Mr Pfeiffer, I do not remember reading about your handicapped arm in your CV,  if I had I would have made your office more user friendly for your condition". Mr Pfeiffer moved closer to his HR manager and raised his handicapped arm to the HR manager's shoulders as if he is hugging the HR manager and said "I am not just handicapped  I AM HANDICAPABLE". Meaning, though I am handicapped, I AM ABLE TO DO THIS JOB.

Do you see how willingness can to transform a handicapped man into a useful person? We may be handicapped in many ways but because we are willing we became ABLE/CAPABLE to do certain tasks/jobs. Handicapped in many ways could be: a poor financial background, a slow start in your life/career, a lack of university degree, lacking certain skills or an absent parent or even being an orphan. Just remember that you can change your situation and the very first step starts in you mind: THE WILL TO DO, everything else will fall into  place.

Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave a comment.

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