Officially were are half-way into the year. We laid foundations at the beginning of the year with high hopes that our plans will fall into places and now that we are half-way in the new year I feel like we need to do mid-year review and ask relevant questions like:
1. How would you describe yourself for the past 5 months?
2. How would you describe your approach for the year so far?
3. Did you make significant GAINS so far? or What significant GAINS have you made so far?
4. What unforeseen problems did I encounter?
5. What helped me to advance my work?
6. What should I do differently? What should I continue doing?
7. Do I need to introduce plan B or should I continue as is?
If we can answer these questions wholeheartedly, I believe that we will continue recording profits, gains and achieving our targets. If things are not going as you planned I guess it is not too late to turn around and adjust the sail. You have six more months to get the results you need.
-Peter Drucker