17 Sep

When things are not working out the way you wish, it is an indication that you need PLAN B or even PLAN C,  you need to try from a different angle, you need to find an alternative route or simply WHEN NOTHING SEEMS TO GO RIGHT, TRY GOING LEFT, try looking for help, ask for ideas from the people that you trust, try to re-think the whole process, re-collect your thoughts and try from another angle.

Coming from a science background are always encouraged to find substitutes for chemicals or equipment, for instance if the lab has ran out of sodium chloride and I need a chloride I can use potassium chloride instead or I can prepare a chloride salt even if it does not have sodium. Another simply example, if I am doing an experiment that requires a stopwatch and if all the stop watches are not working or misplaced I can use the stop watch on my phone. There should be PLAN B and there is no, YOU NEED TO CREATE PLAN B.You need to find a surrogate way, a substitute plan, you need to device a back up plan and you should do this even if it means going a different way.

My mentor once told me, it does not matter whether the cat is black or white if it catches the mice, then it is a good cat. In the same way, whether you go RIGHT, LEFT or UP please make sure you deliver or produce the expected results.

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