07 Sep

How do we dream again?

R. D. Saunders came up with Four useful tips that you can use to dream again:

1. Dream Again

It is the only way to do it. You simply dream again. Start over. Dream with emotions, write down your dreams, have a vision board and look at it every day when you wake and before you sleep. Ray Keller, of my mentors had this dream of owning an airplane. He even built an air strip before he had no money to buy the plane, he even bought kerosene (the fuel that is burned in airplane engines), he pretended taking off in his truck. He invested so much emotions in his dreams. He played games with his dream and in the end, he got his dream plane.

2. Learn again.

Learn from your failure. Learn from what worked for you. Learn from your mistakes. You will make mistakes as you are moving close to you goals, learn from them. Learn from everyone. The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki advices that you work for experience instead of money because a pay cheque will not make you learn so you build you dreams. Work to learn so you can reproduce the idea or so you can take the idea to the next level. Learn as much as you can because your dream depends on what you know.

3. Evolve or Change Personalities

Leave the old you, drop the personality that will prevent you build you dream, if you are stubborn you need to let go unless you can use that stubbornness to your advantage. Drop the old you so you can save your dream. John Maxwell once said "you dream will come true as you give up all the things that will stop the dream becoming true". 

4. Change Who You Listen To/Feed your mind and ears with the right information

We must be in control of people that we listen to. We become the product of the people we listen to. Change the voices in your ears. Change what you are hearing. Change what you are reading. Change what you are seeing. Unless what you are hearing, reading and seeing is helping you build your dream. Get around people who are positive, people who are not basement people but balcony people. People that will cheer you up even when you fail. 


Thank you so much for reading...

May this 2020 be the year of PLENTY OPPORTUNITIES to you.

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