05 Jul

David Meltzer believes that one can develop a right perspective if they follow these philosophies of gratitude, empathy, accountability, and effective communication. 

Let us look at these philosophies one by one.

1. Build Appreciation

Appreciation what inspires you. Limit negative energy to get the worst from you. Dwell more on the positive energy, appreciate the little things that brings you joy.

2. Be Empathetic

This is something I struggled with sometimes, I use to find it so hard to forgive the wrong doers towards me and I always wanted to see perfection. With the new perspective that I am nurturing I have realized that the wrong doings can be fixed and life is a process, instead of looking for perfection I should appreciate the little progress I make every time. I also realized that a forgiving mind is a free mind, forgiving lifts you up, the feeling of being AIRBORNE, like floating.

3. Practice Accountability (THIS IS MY PERSONAL FAVORITE)

Try to keep your side clean all the time. Avoid playing the blame game, it is game with no referee (lol).You can't control what happens, but you can control how you react to it.  You can choose how you respond.  Bradley Sugars calls it "the line of decision" and you can choose to live "Above the Line" or "Below the Line."







This philosophy reminds me about the talk we had on CHIEF RESPONSIBLE OFFICER (https://eugenefirst.site123.me/daily-motivations/you-are-the-chief-responsible-officer).

4. Share Effectively

In Southern Africa, we believe that it takes the whole village to raise a child holistically. UMUNTU NGUMUNTU NGABANTU is another well known and heavily practiced philosophy in Southern Africa which simply means "I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE, YOU ARE BECAUSE I AM". In other words, we need each other, we need to co-exist. You cannot live in isolation.

We must effectively share our lives and connect to others. We must empower others to empower others to be happy. We must get aligned with others, inspire others to take positive action, and of course…prepare for adjustment. 

 Source: https://sports1marketing.com/blog/happiness-steps-right-perspective/ 

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