13 Jan

In one of my Physics lessons I like using COURAGE and FEAR to explain forces acting on a moving object as shown in the diagram below.

I tell my students that this car can only move forward if the driving force(COURAGE) is bigger/greater than all the other forces opposing it. Meaning that if your courage is weaker or little your car will be pushed back air, it will be pulled down by its weight and the friction force will not let it go anywhere. Exactly this is the same experience when you let fear dominate you, in fact fear is the collection of forces that are invisible, just like friction a collection of forces that inhibits the object's movement. 

To my students, the driving force is COURAGE and it should defeat friction (fear) for the car/object to move forward.

To my readers like you, COURAGE is your driving force, COURAGE is your light and it should defeat all the invisible forces:

1.  So that you move forward, 

2. So you reach your full potential, 

3. So you have energy to take action for your dreams to come true.

Thank you so much for reading...

May this 2020 be the year of PLENTY OPPORTUNITIES to you.

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