09 Mar

If an OPEN MIND IS KEPT we can allow to rid the negative thoughts at the same time allowing positive thoughts to manifest in our minds. Once the positive thoughts dominates the negative ones we are likely to succeed in every good deed we do. Remember last week when we pondered on THE PROCESS, just imagine going through the process with a closed mind obviously this will make us to be negatively minded, complaining more, giving excuses, delaying and just not willing to be part of the process. To make matters worse we will be frustrated because the process takes time and we do not want to wait, we want instant success. 

However, if we go through the process with an open mind we can turn all the negative aspects of life into positive one. For instance impossible will become I'M POSSIBLE, I cannot will become YES I CAN. Even if it means to focus on one positive thing in the mist of negative things, let us just do that, let us make it a habit, today it is one positive thing, tomorrow it will be two and as the process goes the negative aspects will be outnumbered. I always tell myself that if I am among pessimistic people I would not join their forces I would rather go a different route and be OPTIMISTIC, be hopeful and courageous. Even if it means to be the only positively minded person out of 100 people, I will be because it is such a good feeling to be positive.

One of my mentors once said that the famous leaders around the globe have these things in common, regardless of the background, level of education or social status, most of the leaders are:



3. OPTIMISTIC (most of the time)

4. LEARNERS (willing to learn all the time, OPEN MINDED) 



They do things that others find uncomfortable to do, they go an extra mile and they are extraordinary because they focus more on the positive. They make POSITIVE THINKING their habit.

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